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Official Website of Author
My Story

Want to learn more about me? You brave soul.


I’m an anthropologist and archaeologist by training. BA from Gettysburg College. I chose to study in remote corners of the world, which include excavating Khirigsuur standing stone burial grounds in the Gobi desert of Mongolia, and recording the cultivation and uses of saffron in the Sahara desert of Morocco. Ironically, I don't care much for hot places.


If you’ve read any of my Magic in the Imperium novels, it may not surprise you that ancient, mysterious artifacts play an important role in all my writing. I like to play with why people assign immense sentimental value to objects. Adding magic to the mix only makes it more interesting.


Fantasy and science fiction captures my attention and admiration in equal measure. As a child, the only time my parents let me stay up late was when Star Trek was on tv. Space exploration fascinates me every bit as much as a well-crafted fantasy world, and I hope to share several works in progress with more of a sci-fi bent in the future.


Skyrim and Don’t Starve are favorite games of mine. In Skyrim, I play as characters from The Emperor's Horn, which is satisfying and terrible in equal measure. Luther picks up every single book he finds... yes, the ruined ones, too. Herbert picks every plant, Teguin mines every vein of ore... you get the picture.


I hope you enjoyed this window into my psyche. Cheers, and happy reading.

My Books

The Emperor's Horn: Magic in the imperium, Book 1

The Bone Reader: Magic in the imperium, Book 2

WIP- The fractured crown: Magic in the imperium, book 3

My Books

"The kind of fantasy adventure that lingers in the mind long after the last page is turned."

Book Viral

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